
Why Invest In Mohali In 2022?

Real estate is one of the sectors that is recognized as a great investment globally. In India, real estate provides the second-highest employment after the agriculture sector. Many people are looking for ways to invest their money in a way that is secure and provides easy returns. Real estate is one sector that is considered… Continue reading Why Invest In Mohali In 2022?

What is home buying process in India?

Are you ready to buy a house in 2022? Investing in a house requires a large monetary commitment. You are planning to invest your hard-earned money in your dream house. If you wondering about the process, we are here to tell you the journey a homebuyer takes when buying a house. Firstly, when the homebuyer… Continue reading What is home buying process in India?

Reasons Why Real Estate Is a Good Investment

Real estate investment is not a domain for the wealthy anymore. Today, if you have a steady income and a good credit score. You can finance the investment from the Bank easily. With the right plan and research, you can also reap the benefits of real estate has to offer. The benefits of real estate… Continue reading Reasons Why Real Estate Is a Good Investment

Important things to check before buying a property

The process of homeownership is never-ending. Everything is important from an inspection before buying to repairs and maintenance afterward. Home needs your continuous attention and care. You can stop only when you decide to sell the house or pass it on to your kids. You have done your due diligence and found the house of… Continue reading Important things to check before buying a property

Difference between Freehold and Leasehold property.

You must have heard a fair share of real estate jargon while dealing with property advisors. The word leasehold is more commonly known to people than its counterpart. However, before buying a house, you must know the difference between a freehold property and a leasehold property. What is Freehold Property? When a buyer purchases a… Continue reading Difference between Freehold and Leasehold property.

Important legal documents checklist for buying a house

Buying a property includes a capital investment. And a mistake could result in a great deal of trouble along with monetary damages. Homebuyer needs to be cautious when checking property documents. India has a strict, lengthy, and cumbersome documentation process for owning a house. A lot of paperwork is involved in the formalities required to… Continue reading Important legal documents checklist for buying a house